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![]() We are the manufacturer of Hexane ,Isohexane ,N-heptane ,which we note it will be one of important ingredient of making your products . We use the measure “Hydrogenation desulfurization de-aromatic” making our products ,which is only manufacturer in China would use this manufacturer . Our equipment is state of art . Our products have been sold to many places like Brazil , singapore , Japan , South korea . We would like to expand our markets to your country. If you want ,we are truly welcome your visit Thanks for your attention and we are looking forward for your early reply . Yours faithfully Grace (International department manager ) TEL :86-0419-3138888 FAX:86-0419-3136668 E-MAIL : grace2193759@163禁發網址 LINK1">大慶億鑫化工有限公司成立于2010年,注資1.3億元,采用國內唯一一家“雙加氫脫硫脫芳工藝”,根據此工藝生產出來的產品確保了產品的硫,和苯的含量幾乎為零。 我公司的產品幾乎已經壟斷東北三省... [詳細介紹] 暫無記錄