Kingdom Flow Control (“KI”) 為該行業服務了 40 多年,是著名的精密鑄造工業閥門制造商和出口商。KI的總部位于臺灣,其兩個100%臺資的工廠在中國大陸運營。我們的工廠完全垂直整合:所有產品設計、鑄造、加工、組裝和測試均在內部 100% 執行,以提供始終如一的高質量。Kingdom was founded in 1973 and our headquarters is in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. In 1991, 2000, and 2012, we built factories in Guangdong, Fujian, and Suzhou China. Our business covers flow control products, CNC facilities, and automatic products. With nearly fifty years of growth and innovation, Kingdom has grown into a global enterprise. We have been *mitted to providing customers with the integrated service of R&D, manufacturing, production, sales. and service under one roof.
Focusing on innovative technologies in product development and customer expectations, we continued to develop more convenient, efficient, and reliable products.